16 May 2024 Group Defense Naval International News

With two major programs (Horizon frigates, European Patrol Corvette) underway and one already delivered (R&T), Naviris has successfully achieved its three main objectives! The successes achieved by the French-Italian joint venture created by Naval Group and Fincantieri in 2019 pave the way for the specific position that the company aims to occupy in the European naval defence landscape. Paolo Castelnovo, Director of Operations, and Jean-François Léculier, Chief Financial Officer tell us more.

EPC: Naviris in the starting blocks

Let’s take a look at the European Patrol Corvette (EPC), a collaborative and ambitious project led by various stakeholders in European defence and aimed at making Europe the first and best defender of its own sovereignty. Together with its partners (Naval Group, Fincantieri and Navantia), Naviris successfully made it through the first phase of the call for applications by the European Commission (EC) in October 2023. This phase delivered the initial design of an innovative, modular, flexible, interoperable and environment-friendly European corvette along with innovative technological bricks, both aimed at allowing it to carry out a broad range of missions.

On the industrial side, Naviris handles the coordination and contractual management of the overall project for the European consortium which brings together France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Norway, and Denmark. The project aims to prepare the development. The Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation (OCCAr)is mandated by the EC and the Nations to oversee contracts and facilitate coordination.

Naviris partners submitted a bid in November 2023 for the second phase of the European call for applications to complete the development of the ship (apart from the choices of the combat system – the responsibility of each nation) and the production of two prototypes, one for each version of the ship. The final selection will take place in the summer of 2024.





Refurbishment of Horizon frigates

Another success for Naviris is the mid-life overhaul of the four French-Italian frigates built between 2000 and 2010, a refurbishment programme fitting out ships with state-of-the-art systems and in particular improved air protection capabilities. The frigates will then be at the best level of performance against foreseeable threats for the current decade and the next.  The contract signed with OCCAR and Eurosam (a group associating Thales and MBDA) at the end of July 2023 is of extremely significant value, exceeding one billion euros for the scope covered by Naviris and its subcontractors,.


Research and Technology (R&T): 4 years and 5 projects

The joint French-Italian R&T program managed by Naviris was structured in five projects - the digital ship, optimised energy consumption, fuel cells for surface ships, logistics of the future, and resistance in heavy seas - all aimed at increasing the performance of Naval Group and Fincantieri platforms. Having demonstrated its capability to deliver pivotal design projects on time, further studies might well be on the horizon with various possible contracting options.

"Naviris has gone from strength to strength since its creation, refining its organisation and affirming its dual French-Italian culture, with the aim of fulfilling its mission in terms of innovation in European naval defence."

Paolo Castelnovo Director of Operations

"After the pivotal year of 2023, we are ready to accelerate our development, aware that we must continue to build on the strengths of our teams in France and Italy in order to successfully execute our programmes."

Jean-François Léculier CFO

Paolo Castelnovo

Jean-François Léculier