
At Naval Group, diversity is a shared value. Naval Group recognises the value that a diversity of profiles and backgrounds represents for the group and its contribution to the group’s overall performance.

Through tangible commitments and concrete initiatives, it supports gender equality, the inclusion of LGBT+ people, individuals with disabilities and the integration of people experiencing difficulties with insertion. In terms of gender equality, the group adhered to the Women’s Empowerment Principles in 2021 and set up a system of equal in-house mentoring. Objective: promote career development for men and women in the company.

Equality for all: prioritising skills

Promoted and supported internally, non-discrimination is a reality thanks particularly to the awareness and training of managers and employees and the extremely varied backgrounds of individuals that come to work with us. Skills are the sole criterion on which employee job-matching is based, enabling them to take up and remain in a suitable position and further their career.
In keeping with our in-house Disabilities Unit’s priorities, Naval Group signed a Manifesto for the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in economic life in 2020, along with about one hundred other committed companies. The ten commitments made in this regard include recruiting students with disabilities for internships and apprenticeships, as well as compliance with the French General Accessibility Framework for Administrations (RGAA) ensuring better digital accessibility to all our tools.

In signing the LGBT+ charter with the association L'Autre Cercle in 2022, Naval Group has committed to fostering an inclusive environment for LGBT+ employees:

  • ensuring equal rights and treatment for all employees regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity;
  • supporting employees who are victims of discriminatory comments or acts and punishing LGBT-phobic behaviour;
  • measuring progress and sharing best practices to improve the work environment.

Any Naval Group employee who feels discriminated against may file a formal complaint that will be processed accordingly. Discrimination Officers, duly trained and present at each of the group’s sites can be contacted in this regard. In France or India for example, exacting systems are operational, used and evaluated.

Safety, a basic right

Naval Group considers providing a peaceful working environment to their employees as a prerequisite to safeguarding their physical and mental health. The Chairman and CEO of Naval Group approves and signs the Occupational Health & Safety and Environment (OHSE) policy. Naval Group’s global Quality, Safety and Environment (QSE) management system is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 certified and is in the process of moving over to ISO 45001.

Image Femme en EPI sur un bateau avec une combinaison Naval Group

OHSE in our larger subsidiaries

An international OHSE network is actively engaged in defining and implementing the most stringent requirements in the group’s largest subsidiaries (Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, India, Egypt, Brazil and Singapore).


Work-life balance

Work-life balance plays a role in employee well-being over and above their general working conditions addressed in a specific agreement with the group’s social partners. Naval Group responds to these legitimate needs by adjusting business hours (working hours, part-time measures), implementing remote working and allocating financial aid for childcare (CESU Universal Service Employment Voucher scheme).

Measures are designed to facilitate employees’ access to work. Take for example, the quality of the physical environment, the use of information and communication technologies, or the company travel plan that encourages the use of public transport, carpooling and cycling.