Naval Group and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Naval Group is a partner of choice to prepare the future of naval defense. Our teams are anticipating future threats, especially electronic and cyber-attacks, with robotics and sophisticated technologies. IDEX is an important event to set priorities on innovation topics.
“Naval Group promotes the integration of cutting-edge technologies in an agile and incremental way into our ships and our industry. Indeed, robotics, AI, 3D printing, Big Data, virtual reality, quantum computing, all represent a high added value potential for both our industrial processes and for the new capabilities they offer to our customers. By learning how to integrate them, we also learn about new threats such as cyber-attacks and how to contain and neutralize them” declared Eric Papin, Senior Executive Vice President for Innovation at Naval Group. Mr Papin will participate to the IDEX conference on Saturday 20th February 2021 to discuss Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the development of 4th industrial revolution technologies.
"The development of fourth industrial revolution technologies is critical to the future of Naval defence. It will allow future warships to benefit from information and combat superiority, excellent interoperability capacity and maximum endurance at sea. Naval Group’s customer navies seek to benefit from the enhanced operational capabilities enabled by this transformation, while protecting themselves from traditional and new threats that are growing in importance, such as cyber or unmanned systems attacks” adds Mr. Papin.
At IDEX, Naval Group will demonstrate its ability to offer smart ships which integrates disruptive solutions from civilian sector while mitigating their risks such as open architecture. Smart ships are defined by their digital architecture which allows them to evolve, increasing their operational capabilities, whether in terms of communications, information or platform operation -state of the ship and crew, performance optimisation through data feedback, ergonomics of human-machine interfaces.
Presenting Naval Group’s latest concept ship
IDEX is also an opportunity for Naval Group to present the most popular reveal from Euronaval 2020: the SMX 31E. This concept ship meets the operational needs of the next decades. Naval Group new disruptive submarine pushes the technological thresholds and reaches unequaled performances in terms of stealth and endurance. The SMX 31 E offers an increased invulnerability and allows the crew to be submerged for months thanks to the high energy capacities and efficient energy management system. Using advanced artificial intelligence technology, this submarine offers maximal connectivity to interact with the rest of the fleet in a distributed underwater network.
A precise method to stir up innovation
Naval Group’s methodology for innovation is customer-centric. Within four users’ clubs and through frequent thematic seminars, Naval Group’s teams collect direct feedback from navies to continuously adapt innovative solutions to serve their operational needs.
Together with the customers, Naval Group’s experts imagine the missions they will have to carry out tomorrow against emerging threats such as hypersonic weapons and drones. The teams then build scenarios based on how they wish to conduct these missions and analyse their expectations in all areas such as on board life conditions, the roles and interactions they want to have with the increasingly complex and "intelligent" systems they are piloting, their needs in terms of training, coaching and supports at sea and on shore.
From this process, Naval Group identifies and develop new military capabilities in terms of mobility, endurance, resilience, discretion, communication, to disembark forces or to hit targets in future battlefields.
Press contacts:
Klara Nadaradjane
Mob. : +33 (0)6 45 03 11 92