[Job portrait] Dayana Aguillon, Executive Assistant and Business Analyst Manager at Naval Group’s representative office in Bogota, Colombia.

13 November 2023 Human ressources International Story

Naval Group opened its regional representative office in Bogota in 2017 with the aim of establishing its presence locally and building long-term relations with Colombia and Peru. Dayana Aguillon, who joined this office right from its inception, is one of its fundamental pillars.

Three Master’s degrees, two countries

Dayana joined Naval Group in 2017 with three Master’s degrees under her belt. She acquired the first two at the University of the Andes in Colombia, specialising in languages and sociocultural studies in the first year and in international business the following year. She then rounded off her studies with a Master’s in International Business Management at INSEEC, a business school in Lyon. “I wanted to expand my horizons and given my knowledge of French, France was a natural choice. After completing my Master’s degree in Bogota, I packed my bags and headed to Lyon where I obtained a Master’s in International Business Management from INSEEC in 2012 with a view to opening as many doors as possible in Europe”, explains Dayana.


7 years in Naval Group’s representative office in Colombia

Owing to the small size of the team in the Colombian office, Dayana manages a wide range of activities right from the day-to-day running of the office to managing communication as well as strategic surveillance and analysis.

Dayana monitors the political, economic and competitive news in Columbia and in Peru on a daily basis, generating valuable economic intelligence content that she shares with Paris. Trilingual in French, English and Spanish, Dayana also prepares communiqués, press articles and content for social media with the support of the Communications Department while simultaneously managing the logistic and administrative aspects of the office, organising visits for delegations, local business travel, supporting business activities and monitoring databases (suppliers, industrial partners, local and foreign authorities).

At 8,000 kilometres from Paris, Dayana is thorough and meticulous in following internal processes remotely and versatile, undertaking ever wide-ranging assignments. For the past seven years, Dayana’s engagement in the office at Bogota has proven to be fundamental in effectively supporting the Columbian and Peruvian Navies in defining their needs and in executing their future naval defence programs.