07 March 2024 Corporate social responsibility News

Mindful of the energy expended for ship production activities, Naval Group is taking steps to favour the use of electricity while reducing its dependence on natural gas, in step with the current geopolitical situation.

As the centre of excellence for nuclear and conventional submarine and surface ship propulsion, the Naval Group site of Nantes-Indret is responsible for designing, producing, testing and maintaining propulsion systems and equipment. On site, equipment used for production, machining and inspections call for controlled environmental conditions in terms of temperature and humidity.

Supported by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), the site will manage cold production for one of its buildings through its new industrial control hall extension. It will also modify heat production for this new hall with a system recovering energy before conveying it to the building’s steam substations. Furthermore, this project will make it possible to connect some of the industrial machinery to the chilled water network and improve the reliability of this machinery.

The site of Nantes-Indret will thus reduce the site’s natural gas consumption, with a 75% reduction in natural gas consumption in the main production building and reduce its carbon footprint through a 20% reduction in CO2 emitted by the site.

the “heat production” technical room of the production building

view of the heat-cold production equipment of the building in question.