[Video] Innovating today to conquer tomorrow

30 April 2021 Innovation Open innovation Unifying focuses News

For more than 400 years, innovation has been part of Naval Group's DNA to ensure the rapid implementation of operational capabilities on its ships and thus guarantee operational excellence and superiority for its customers' crews and fleets.

The year 2020 was marked by a particular health context. This did not prevent Naval Group teams from maintaining and implementing the R&D work necessary to advance the Group's innovation roadmaps, while respecting the barriers. Throughout the year, these efforts ensured that the Group's vision and multi-domain innovation strategy to design and prepare for the future were maintained.

Naval Group has also developed its open innovation approach by relying on an extensive network of innovation acceleration mechanisms, the creation of R&D centres of excellence (Singapore and Australia) and a trusted ecosystem in France and abroad. Open innovation and privileged exchanges with users reinforce the relevance of the group's research and development work.

Discover in this video the exceptional technological know-how of Naval Group's employees and its capacity to innovate. The illustrations of these experiments are a glimpse of the research and development projects conducted in 2020.

Innover aujourd'hui pour conquérir demain.
