“The aim of my training course was to bring something concrete to my previous job: my original idea was to organise reintegration workshops around metalworking.
But I was immediately taken with the activity, and dazzled by the sheer size of the site and its infrastructures. So I stayed! In addition to the teamwork, which is essential for me, I like the fact that shipbuilding has a beginning, a middle and an end.
I belong to the hull pre-finishing team, which is involved in the penultimate stage of production prior to launch. We are tasked with making the final modifications and upgrades to the hull, supporting the other specialities, and dealing with anomalies.
Over the last few months, I have also been in charge of monitoring anomalies. I find this preparatory work very interesting, because it gives me a better understanding of how shipyards are organised.
My CAP only lasted nine months, so I continue to learn every day. We have the advantage of working as much as possible in pairs, with an experienced employee, to encourage the transfer of skills. Even though productivity is an important consideration, and I wasn't long before I was asked to work independently, my boss took the time to accompany me and explain how to do the movements. Beginners are given a chance in our group, so long as they are willing and motivated!”
[Job portrait] “Naval Group gives beginners a chance...”
13 November 2020 Defense Naval Surface ships Human ressources Story