“My career at Naval Group started during my degree in electronics, where I carried out my work-study program. After this first professional experience, I intended to enrol in a business engineering school, but Naval Group offered me a position: and eight years later, I'm still here!”
“I started my career at the Weapon Control department (CAR), in Through Life Support, testing and modernising weapons systems on surface ships and submarines. I then specialised in TLS for submarines at the Weapon Launching department (DLA). A few years later, following a reorganisation, the DLA department became part of the Navigation CMS Network department (NCR) in charge of surface ships and submarines. The purpose of this reorganisation was to bring together the Combat Management System (CMS) team and Weapon Launching department (DLA) so as to gather all the skills needed to address the complexity of old and new generation weapon systems. At the time, the DLA department was facing a shortage of work, so this was an opportunity to take on new projects and activities, in order to restore the department's influence and momentum. The workload then increased gradually and developing the department was a real challenge for me. Now, the CMS team and the DLA are working together as one team.”
During his career, and thanks to his unwavering commitment, Anthony has had the opportunity to lead major projects in collaboration with several group sites. "My biggest project to date is the creation of the F21 weapon-system integration platform on the site of Toulon in collaboration with the sites of Ollioules and Saint-Tropez. The project involved integrating a brand-new F21 platform in the Warfare Navigation Communication and CMS department (LNC). The purpose of this new platform was to integrate and qualify the new F21 weapon system (ARTEMIS) before it was integrated on board Rubis-class nuclear attack submarines (SSN).”
Anthony therefore acquired new skills, including organising meetings, financial tracking, subcontractor relations and team management: "Monitoring this project throughout gave me an insight into all the difficulties and obstacles that can be encountered, but also into the exhilaration that can arise from sharing a common goal.” That's how Anthony decided he wanted to become a manager and to set off on the adventure.
“My department Manager encouraged me to enrol in a master’s degree in project management, innovation and creativity (MAPIC). And a year later, I officially became a manager myself”. Thanks to this field experience, Anthony benefits from a different approach to his new role. “I know the technical side of things, the problems and questions that my team may have to face, because I’ve been there before, and that’s a real bonus!”